New Features Added to the ME eCommerce Member Management System
A Product article written by Steve Chia
The technical development team have been working hard to create new modules for the eCommerce Member Evolution Association Membership Management Software. The new modules have been on the Technology Roadmap as these features have been requested by clients to fulfil their business requirements. The two features are;
1. Purchase Order Numbers
The purchase order numbers allows the person creating an invoice (either in the cart or store create invoice) to add a Purchase Order number to the invoice. The PO Number is then printed with the Invoice Number on the Printed invoice.
Note: There is currently no other functionality provided with this feature as it simply collects user entered data and prints it on the invoice.
2. Invoice Notes
Invoice notes allows the user creating an invoice to add free text notes to the invoice (i.e. as per MyOB, Quick Books etc) that are output with the printed invoice. The notes should be considered public and thus anyone viewing the invoice will see the entered notes.
Note: At present the system enables the invoice notes only for staff/admins creating invoices so the feature is technically only available in the store create invoice function in the latest versions of the ME system. It can be enabled for the cart checkout process if required as well.
Who can have the Functionality Added?
Our ME cloud based membership software is available for clients using the v2014 E-Commerce System and can be added to your current member management system for more information please email us.
How these new Features are Added to Existing Membership Software Solutions?
Any client with the latest ME version 4 system can have these features added using a simply configuration change. The features are still in the beta software release life cycle stage.
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