When is it time to replace your Member Management System?

Replacing your aging systems can be a daunting task but a modern integrated Member Management System (MMS) with an integrated Website is your key to running an efficient Association, optimising member engagement and retention, and is the building block for sustainability and growth.
So, what are the signs that it’s time to change your current Membership System?
  1. It does not behave the way it should and staff are using spreadsheets to do work that your system should be doing.
  2. It needs new functionality added but your current vendor cannot accommodate the improvements.
  3. The cost of undertaking upgrades to your existing Member Management System is prohibitive.
  4. You have had to deploy additional software such as an Event Management System or Email Management System because your current system does it badly.
  5. You have multiple databases causing duplications and extra work.
  6. You cannot make changes to your website easily and it does not offer the self-service and eCommerce features you need.
  7. It is not easily readable on a mobile device (mobile responsive).
  8. Bugs don’t get fixed regularly; updates and upgrades take for ever to be installed and are expensive.
  9. You run the same report twice and get different answers so you cannot trust the data required to make informed decisions.
  10. Data is difficult to analyse and you can’t get the reports you need.
  11. Maintenance costs are increasing because old systems are expensive to maintain.
  12. Support incidents are on the up and take a long time to be resolved.
You may have invested in a so called “integrated” system in the past but if it displays some of these signs it’s now becoming a money pit and probably isn’t as “integrated” as you have been told, is becoming a frustration to your staff, would be impacting operational efficiencies, and is causing member dissatisfaction. All of which are not a good position to be in!
Like most technology, Member Management Software has evolved rapidly over the last few years. The new breed of Cloud Native SaaS systems like Member Evolution, offer a compelling mix of state of the art technology, practical, functional and mobile friendly website design, essential automation and functionality, and a low operating cost. View some of the benefits of Member Evolution here.
Don’t hesitate; it’s time to move forward. Contact Member Evolution if you are experiencing any of these signs and we would be more than happy to provide a no obligation demo of features that are truly “integrated” features that will work for you and your Association. Move your member management organisation forward and stop putting money into a bottomless money pit.