How to Know When it's Time to Upgrade your Association Membership Software

Mike Whitehouse - ME CEO

There are a number of signs to look out for when it’s time to upgrade your membership management solution. Just like when you were younger and were constantly outgrowing your clothes and needing new ones, your software is no different. You too will get to the same point when you have also outgrown your software and here are a few tips of what to look out for:

Member Limit

One of the first signs is the most obvious and that is when you have reached your member limit for your software. Or if you are trialling a free membership management software solution and the time has now run out. Now you need to look further and for a solution that allows higher membership numbers.
The great news is that membership software solutions are becoming more and more affordable for organisations of all shapes and sizes with much higher member limits. These solutions will keep your organisation running smoothly and on top of all your records.   

Cloud is Non-Existentcloud platform

If your software has not yet adapted to the cloud platform this is a sign that is may be time to look for something that can accessed from any location with internet connection. There is no excuse for new software to not be cloud based as connectively is very important for consumers. It is an indispensable tool for software and allows students, staff, members, sponsors and others to access their work from any location that has the internet.

Lots of membership software solutions offer cloud capabilities and they will become more of a necessity as the convenience to access your database from anytime and anywhere is a must. Collaboration becomes much easier among team and committee members with digital work being accessible on the cloud this can also increase production hugely.

Little no Updates or Upgrades

If the member software you are using is not bringing out any new updates or upgrades then it is not evolving or more importantly keeping up with consumer needs. Think back when you had your first mobile phone, those brick looking Nokia’s which were first launched in 1992. Now look at how far the technology and devices have come, to now being intuitive smartphones owned by majority of the population. Your membership software should be no different in terms of evolution and changing with the times.

Technology updates to look out for in new membership software would be if they have adapted to responsive websites platforms, online payment gateways, social media integrations, business wide real time reporting, engagement tools, development of new products or upgrades and automated processes and renewals.

Support Process   

Many of the free membership management systems are extremely cost effective for your start up association. It provided all the basic capabilities you needed such as email integration and spreadsheet integration. But there is always the chance that things won’t always go to plan or run as smoothly as you had hoped. Support will almost be non-existent to none at all except a forum where other people have found the same problems.

It can be hard to use software without any training depending on the complexity but it can be a daunting experience with no support team behind you. Upgrading membership software offers your organisation quality technical support so make sure you read the fine print to see what is included an what might not be or the hours that are included.