
Why your Association and Not-For-Profit needs an Outstanding Membership Website

Around 97% of website visitors who come to your website are looking to do research on your association. This is a high number of people and therefore, your Not-For-Profit website not only has to cater for those looking to make a donation, entice volunteers and new members but also educate visitors about your association's industry.

User Journey

Maximise Sponsorship Income with Thriving Sponsorship Seekers

A challenge exists for associations in receiving ongoing funding from sponsorship in today's competitive environment. Many associations are now seeing a slight decline in membership and/or attendance, highlighting the fact that sponsorship is even more important than previously.

The key to obtaining sponsorship and new sources of revenue is finding the right organisation to become partners with, and using this partnership to find a constant revenue stream. The right partners can assist members in furthering their careers within the industry.

Deciding on Fully-Automated, Semi- Automated or Manual Processes?

The challenge exists in finding the best solution to suit your business needs. The features and workflows offered need to accommodate your association's requirements and this is an important factor that should be considered. There are positives and negatives with processes however the fully-automated process seems to outweigh any negative aspects that may arise within an Association or Not-For-Profit organisation workflow.

Ask the Right Questions

NFP Statistics for Online Giving

It is no surprise that consumers are turning more and more to the digital space for everyday needs, and online giving is no different. The percentage of online giving has increased and will only escalate over the coming years as new and already established donors turn to the convenience and accessibility of the internet.

Not-For-Profit organisation websites are now rolling out mobile websites which will take donating a step further into the digital space.

Marketing Opportunity

How to Recruit & Maintain Volunteers

Almost every association relies on aspects of their work to be done by volunteers, and it's often hard to recruit and retain these workers. It's easy to get volunteers excited on their first day or week but keeping them around for a longer duration which is every association’s goal, can be difficult.

Finding the balance between repetitive tasks and giving them the ability to take leadership and progress in their role will benefit your workers and enhance the work environment. 

Give your Volunteers a Voice

15 Self Service Member Portal Benefits that will add Value to your Association

Empowering your members, member benefits and member retention are the keywords on all associations' lips, as they strive to add value to their members without realising that for the most part the value is already there - it is just a matter of presentation and education!

The Latest Developments Affecting Not-For-Profit Organisations

The September federal election was an interesting turning point for the Not-For-Profit Sector, and following the election it is vital for NFP organisations to closely monitor any changes and reforms that may have occurred within the governing sector.

A September issue was compiled by Email Ford Lawyers that will bring you up to date with the latest Not-For-Profit developments and will include:

Not-For-Profits Aim for the Cloud

It's time to think outside the cloud and look at the bigger picture of what the adoption of the cloud system can do for your organisation or Not-For-Profit. The cloud is all about making your organisation more efficient, flexible and allowing better collaboration between staff, members and your sponsors.

Time to Pick up Your Association's Marketing and Advertising Efforts

As the current Not-For-Profit environment moves towards an IT future it is important not to lose sight of your association's marketing and advertising. Associations are moving towards a complete CRM system to improve their website functionality while streamlining and automating day to day activities. While these actions are all positive, associations should not forget about marketing not only to their members but also to future members, sponsors and donors.

Not-For-Profits Turning to a Future in IT

In today's environment Not-For-Profit organisations and associations are driven not by the need to make a profit but to expand, change and stay relevant. The need to stay relevant and evolve with the times is a huge factor as most organisations have unpaid staff and some may have both paid and volunteer staff. Not-For Profits more than ever have a need for efficient workflows and up to date technologies that can be utilised, allowing better collaboration between staff, sponsors and their members.

Utilising NFPs Resources