
How Associations can Benefit from using Google Scholar

Google Scholar is becoming more popular for those searching the web for full texts of scholarly literature across a variety of publishing formats, from books, to research articles to theses and other abstracts.

It includes a variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web. However, be aware that some links you are taken to ask for payment to view the full text.

Optimisation Tools for your Association or Not-For-Profit Organisation: Part:4

In part 4 of utilising search engine optimisation (SEO) for associations and Not-For-Profit organisations, we will be looking at meta data and how to best use that website page function on your association website. How to name your images and file uploads to get the best possible optimisation will be explored as well as tips on how to link internally within your site and the benefit of using <alt> tag images.

Improve your Association's SEO with Text Formatting: Part 3

In part 3 of our search engine optimisation (SEO) for associations and Not-For-Profit organisations, the focus will be on text format and how to increase your chances of search engines picking up important headings and your text format.

The way you format your website pages is important and having the format correctly utilised will impact on your association's search traffic. This blog will explore all you need to know on using the right HTML code and which heading types are the most appropriate.

How to Ensure your Association is utilising SEO in your Titles and Page Headings: Part 2

In part 2 of our search engine optimisation (SEO) for association and Not-For-Profit organisation we will be focusing on website titles and page headings. The best ways for search engines such as Google or Yahoo to pick up your website depends on your titles and page headings. 

Search engine optimisation can help promote a webpage on a particular topic so that it’s more easily found. To get the best results, there are quite a number of things you can do in both ‘on-page optimisation’ and ‘off-page optimisation’. This blog in particular will explore 'on-page optimisation'.

How to improve your Association or Not-For-Profit's SEO by utilising Keywords: Part 1

In this month's blog we will be focusing on search engine optimisation (SEO) for associations and Not for Profit organisations. The first instalment will include 'on-page optimisation' and the second will move into 'off-page optimisation'.‘On-page optimisation' refers to how you structure the content on that page, and what words and links you use to get the best results.

For associations, ensuring your SEO on your website is set up correctly may not be as important as for businesses that rely on people finding their website to engage with them.

A New Marketing Tool from the Guys Over at Google!

Google has just launched 'Google Think Insights' which is basically a tool for marketers but upon further inspection, offers so much more. Have a look for yourself at and you will soon see that it offers a massive range of topics, articles, info graphics, webinars and even has an NFP industry segment that can be filtered.

How to Improve Communication and Capture your Members' Attention, Drive Traffic Back to your Website while Increasing your Organisation's Awareness!

As sure as 'death and taxes' eventually all visitors to your website will leave... so what do you do with this 'exit' traffic? Like most organisations you most likely do not even consider it or even realise that you can do something with it.

How to get Members to Backlink to your Website, Improving your SEO

What is SEO?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) involves the process of acquiring traffic from free 'organic' listings on search engines. The three major search engines that generate traffic are Google, Yahoo and Bing. The way Search Engine Optimisation works is by ranking either web pages or other content such as videos or local listings and showing them based on what is considered more relevant to the user. The higher your site is ranked in search engines such as Google, the more traffic will be sent to your site.

Benefits of Automated Online Membership Renewal for Organisations

In this week's blog we will discuss how ever-changing technologies and innovative solutions can help membership-based organisations, companies and Non-for-Profits streamline their membership renewals.

Why is Social Media Important for Non-profit Organisations? Five ways to utilise it

The aim of nearly every association, no matter who they are or what industry they are in, is to effectively communicate with their members whilst reaching new ones. There has to be one thing said about social media, though it has many faults, is it's a great way to connect with people at any time in any place. Here we will discuss several different points as a starting basis for any organisation wishing to communicate via the means of social media.